When we began OMS+, we saw an issue that needed to be fixed, hence the introduction of our state-of-the-art order management system. As we continue to serve our clients, we look to improve upon their various business processes, fixing the many issues they may face. Through countless conversations of late, we as an organization came to the realization that several of our customers were actively conducting quotes in an inefficient way, at times even bidding against themselves.
Numerous companies-initiated quotes outside of SAP via the usage of spreadsheets that incorporate customer data associated with material cross references, pricing information, terms and conditions, checking inventory, and more. RFQ’s had furthermore been created outside of SAP. Despite engaging in the strenuous pre-work for the quote, the amassed information may not end up in the final SAP quote. Although this provided the internal sales rep with a lot of flexibility, this did not consolidate crucial data for all sales reps to use, as any spreadsheet information can become outdated.
We viewed this as an opportunity to further display our passion and willingness to work towards resolving the issues our customers face. With this new update, we look to add transparency to the quoting processes our customers have become accustomed to and hope our newly integrated OMS+ Advance Quoting (AQ) process streamlines their quote process
OMS+ Advance Quoting (AQ) helps facilitate the entire quote process from beginning to end, by utilizing SAP standard functionality in SAP Master Inquiry, Sub Inquiry and RFQ process, to help build out quotes within OMS+. Material Matching Engine Modal is also integrated within the OMS+ AQ (Advance Quoting) process, to provide an efficient way of matching the Customer Description to the SAP Material Description, identifying the registered SAP Material Number. The Material Matching Engine will make finding products simpler using any custom search requirements and will become more efficient with time as the engine will remember the matches users have previously approved for a string.
Additionally, metrics can be analyzed to determine how quoting efficiency has been for customers to further improve AQ. RFQ can be generated and sent to vendors for any materials that need to be externally sourced, and the vendor price will be updated in OMS+. Due to all the pre-work residing in SAP using Standard Inquiry Document, the Internal Sales Rep will have access to real time data for inventory and pricing information, alongside the ability to generate RFQ’s, all within SAP. Once everything has been finalized and reviewed, a quote can be generated from OMS+ and relevant data can be emailed to customers.